Donor Spotlight- Melvina and Rupert Donovan

The Foundation would like to thank Melvina and Rupert Donovan, donors since 2007, for their loyal support of the library! We had a chance to catch up with the Donovan's to ask them why the library is important to them, and what a great story they told us. According to Melvina, "Rupert, having grown up in former British Guyana, South America, and I, in New York City, have always enjoyed visiting the libraries in our areas. During our youth, we were able to go on adventures, and imagine great things beyond our comprehension, in reading library books. Being able to read books without paying for them gave us such pleasure, since we were very poor and could not actually experience activities except in reading library books. During our early school years we continued to use the library to supplement our education. As we got older and left our previous environments, we continued to focus on the library to assist with our ongoing education, entertainment and other activities provided by the library system.

We have continued to use and benefit from all that the library has to offer in our professional, business, and entertainment endeavors. We have always believed in the library, since we have obtained so many services from all the educational materials provided, and have seen how the library has grown, changed and improved over the years, and become the great source of inspiration for everyone. We still continue to benefit from all it has to offer in education and entertainment. We attend our local Summerlin library on a weekly basis, and we also take advantage of the other library offerings. We look forward to the Library Highlights and also the web site. We feel part of the library family due to the caring, pleasant, friendly and professional treatment and attitude of the staff especially of the Summerlin Library, and also of the other libraries that we sometimes visit. We are donors of the Clark County Library Foundation because of our belief in the foresight, accomplishment, and reinforcement that the Foundation provides to the libraries that benefit everyone."

We couldn't have said it better ourselves, and we couldn't do our work without the help of friends like the Donovans. So thank you Melvina and Rupert, our Spotlight Donors!